1 Peter 1:13 – Stand Firm By Hope

I. WHAT Fixing Your Hope Is (1 Pet. 1:13b)
A. Its Nature (“fix your hope”)

B. Its Extent (“completely”)

C. Its Object (“on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus

II. HOW to Fix Your Hope (1 Pet. 1:13a)
A. By Intentionally ____ The Truth about Your Salvation

B. By ___ Your Faculties (“having girded your minds for action”)

C. By Staying Spiritually ________ (“being sober in spirit”)

III. WHY Fixing Your Hope Is Possible and Urgent (1 Pet. 1:13c)
A. Because It’s “Grace…to You”

B. Because It’s Imminent (“to be brought”)

Discussion Questions
1) In light of the counsel given in 1 Peter 1:13, if a Christian is struggling to have hope, what
kinds of questions could you ask? What areas would you need to probe to help them think
things through?
2) In what ways does 1 Peter 1:13 apply to your personal life situation? What are some
practical ways of doing so?
3) Which aspect of the counsel in 1 Peter 1:13 was most helpful or challenging to you? How
does it help you?