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Church is more than just Sunday morning services! At Fenton Park Bible Church, we have ministries for all ages and stages of life running throughout in the week.


First and foremost of these are our Home Groups, which meet all over Rotorua. We also provide ministries for Men & Women, Children, Young Adults, and Families. In addition to these, FPBC supports a number of local and international Missions.

Home Groups

Home Groups

Weekly & Fortnightly Small Groups
(Various Locations & Times)

Men & Women

Men's Breakfast

Men's Discipleship Group
(Fridays 6am)

Titus 2 Women

Women’s Discipleship Group
(Thursdays 7pm Fortnightly)


Bible Training For Ministry
(Sundays 1pm)

Pastoral Care & Counselling

Please send us a message and one of our pastors will get in touch with you.


Bible Explorers

Children’s Programme
For Ages 4-12
(Sundays 10am)


Music & Movement Programme
For Parents & Preschoolers
(Wedesdays 10am)

NZ Rally

Character Building Programme
For Ages 7-12
(Wednesdays 6:00pm)

School Holiday Programme

Five Day Holiday Programme
For Years 1-6
(Second Week of School Holidays)

Youth & Young Adults

Focus Youth

Youth Discipleship
For High School Age Teenagers

Young Adults

Bible Study For Ages 18 To Mid 20s
(Tuesdays 7pm)


Church Family Fellowship

Fenton Park Bible Church Events
For The Whole Church Family
(Several Times a Year)

Fenton Funtasia

Halloween Alternative Event
For Families In Rotorua
(October 31)


Outreach Opportunities

Bringing the Good News of Christ to the Local Community

Missionary Partners

International Missionaries We Support & Send Out

© Fenton Park Bible Church Rotorua 2023